About Us

Ingenieursbureau Wittich & Visser, founded in 1924, produces, assembles and installs meteorological sensors and systems. We have our own program of high quality and affordable meteorological sensors: meteo M&R. Wittich & Visser is also distributor in the Benelux for other quality brands like Gill Instruments, Scintec and Radiometrics.

Wittich & Visser can provide complete systems for any application where meteorological measurements are required. For example meteorological research from surface layer to upper air or routine weather observations.

Wittich & Visser is an excellent partner for (inter)national tenders, also when conventional meteorological equipment is requested (thermometers, barographs etc.).

Wittich & Visser delivers weather sensors and complete measuring systems for:

  • physical meteorology
  • conventional weather equipment
  • building automation
  • industry
  • laboratories
  • scientific research
  • weather watchers
  • army, air force and navy
  • wind- and solar energy